

What is a Toolbar?

A toolbar is a horizontal bar found in a window that has multiple tool buttons and other controls to change the behavior of the tools. The toolbar is typically found immediately below the menubar. Some applications have multiple toolbars, one stack on top of the other.

In some applications, it's possible to customize the toolbars, adding and removing buttons to them, dragging them around, or even creating new toolbars.

Some applications have so many toolbars they need to give their toolbars different names to tell them apart, such as toolbox, command bar, etc. In particular, in some simple image editing software, like Graphics Gale, toggleable tools like pencil, eraser, line tool, bucket fill, etc., are found in a horizontal toolbar under the menubar, but in many image editors that have several toggleable tools, these toggleable tools are placed into a vertical toolbox, and a horizontal toolbar is used as a space to change settings of the currently selected tool from the toolbox.


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