Common Keyboard Shortcuts


A list of common keyboard shortcuts, found across many applications and operating systems:

Ctrl+S: save, saves the current document.

Ctrl+O: open, shows a file dialog to open a document.

Ctrl+N: new, creates a new document in the application.

Ctrl+Z: undo last operation.

Ctrl+Shift+Z or Ctrl+Y: redo last operation.

Ctrl+X: cut to clipboard.

Ctrl+C: copy to clipboard.

Ctrl+V: paste from clipboard.

Ctrl+A: selects all text in a text editor, or selects the whole image in an image editor.

Ctrl+Shift+A, or Ctrl+D: deselects all.

Ctrl+I: in image editors, inverts either the whole image or the selection. In text editors, makes the text italic.

Ctrl+B: in text editors, makes the text bold.

Ctrl+U: in text editors, make the text underlined.

Shift+Enter: in text editors that insert a new paragraph when you press enter, inserts a new line without creating a new paragraph.

Tab: cycles the keyboard focus from one control to the next.

Alt+Tab: cycles the active window from one to the next.

Ctrl+Tab: cycles the active tab from one to the next.

Shift+Tab, Alt+Shift+Tab, and Ctrl+Shift+Tab: cycles the above in reverse.

Windows Key: opens the start menu.

Windows Key+D: shows the desktop.

Windows Key+Down Arrow: minimizes the current window.

Windows Key+Left Arrow, or Windows Key+Right Arrow: moves the window to the left or right of the screen.

Windows Key+Up Arrow: maximizes the window.

Alt+F4: closes the current window.

F1: shows help (few applications support this nowadays).

F2: renames the selected file, layer or item.

F4, or Alt+Enter: in some games, makes the game full-screen.

F5: refreshes the view in a web browser or file manager.

Shift+Delete: in file managers, deletes a file permanently without sending it to the trash.

Shift+Print Screen: takes a screenshot of the current window.


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