

What is MyPaint?

MyPaint ( is a free desktop application for making digital art, specially for drawing, sketching, and painting, that is available for both Windows and Linux.

A window with a painting being edited. A brush selector, a layer stack panel, and a palette color selector on display.
A screenshot of MyPaint. Image source:

Notable Features

Infinite Canvas: MyPaint lets you draw on an "infinite" canvas, that is, instead of creating a new image by specifying its width hand height in pixels, and then it turns into a box, a cage, a prison that contains your creative freedom because you can't draw outside of it, MyPaint just lets you draw anywhere on the window and the program auto-magically makes the invisible canvas larger to accommodate your needs. Naturally, it's impossible for the canvas to be actually infinite, so you'll run out of memory eventually, but at least it feels infinite, and that's what really matters.

Free Homework: MyPaint's brushes are so good that they have been copy-pasted by both GIMP and Krita. That's right, if you use GIMP or Krita, you can find a setting to use a MyPaint brush to draw.


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