
What is JPEGView?

JPEGView is the best free image viewer for Windows. It's lightweight, fast, unintrusive, and highly customizable. Its original version can be downloaded from Sourceforce (, but it's unmaintained, the last release being from 2018. A more recent fork exists in Github (

Notable Features

Unintrusive and Mouse-Based: JPEGView displays a single image in its entire window, without menubar, statusbar, or scrollbars. It provides its main menu through a right click, where a context menu would normally be. Panning is done by clicking and dragging. It can zoom in and out with the scroll wheel. Its only visible GUI is a semi-transparent overlay toolbar that only appears when you cursor approaches the lower part of the window. With it, it's possible to rotate the image, for example.

Intuitive: after an image is open in JPEGView, it can navigate through the other images in the same folder by pressing the left/right arrow keys.

Has Metadata: JPEGView can change display the dimension, size, and other information of the image with a simple keyboard shortcut press.

Customizable: a lot of JPEGView's functionality can be customized, such as how it auto-zooms images, whether the window size changes when you open an image, and most notably, it lets you you toggle interpolation methods from linear to nearest neighbor. Unfortunately, a lot of this customization needs to be done by editing .INI files, without a settings dialog, which is not very beginner friendly.


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