User Interface Element

Disclaimer: this is a term mainly used in this website.

What is an User Interface Element?

An user interface element is a tangible part of a graphical user interface. Some people call them "widgets," others call them "form controls." Some elements are:

  • Windows. Window titlebars, menubars, toolbars, address bars, ribbons, and statusbars.
  • Buttons. Dropdown list buttons. Hamburger (three-bars) menu buttons. Vertical three-dots menu buttons. Down-arrow "more options" buttons. Ellipsis buttons. Search buttons. Save buttons. Open file buttons. New document buttons. Collapse/expand buttons. Arrow buttons (previous/next, undo/redo, parent buttons). Apply/OK/Cancel buttons. Refresh buttons. Clipboard buttons (copy and paste buttons). Download buttons. Start buttons. Sidebar buttons. Window controls: close button, maximize/restore button, minimize button.
  • Menus. Popup menus. Context menus. Dropdown menus. Start menus
  • Text labels. Labelled form frames.
  • Check boxes. Switches. Radio buttons.
  • Text boxes. Search boxes. Combo boxes.
  • Spin buttons. Sliders.
  • List boxes. Icon list views. Hierarchical tree views.
  • Scroll panes. Scroll bars.
  • Split panes. Side panes.
  • Tabs. Tabbed panes.
  • Progress bars. Spinners.
  • Window borders (frames). Resize handles.
  • Dialog windows (dialog boxes). Error dialogs. Warning dialogs. Confirmation dialogs.
  • Taskbars. System trays.
  • Tooltips. Notifications. Popups.


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