

What is a User?

An user is a person who uses any person that uses or using something. In the world of computers, it's common to use this term since computers, programs, and websites are tools to be used. This contrasts with the world outside computers, where it's more common to use terms like "client" of a business or service or "consumer" of a product than "user."

Examples of the term include:

  • A computer user: who uses a computer.
  • A Windows user: who user the Windows operating system.
  • A Linux user: who uses a Linux operating system.
  • A Photoshop user: who uses Photoshop, which, as it's a product, would be a client of Adobe.
  • A Facebook user: someone who uses the Facebook website, that is, that has an account on Facebook, which can be created for free.
  • An Internet user: someone who has access to the Internet, even if they don't pay for it. To use free Internet makes you an Internet user.


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