

What is a Blog?

A blog is a type of website traditionally similar to an online diary where articles (called blog posts) are posted and displayed in descending chronological order: the most recent first in its homepage.

Someone who blogs is a "blogger." Note that Blogger is also the name of a free web-hosting service provided by Google. Blogs created with Blogger are accessible by default as a subdomain on

Most social media platforms are microblogging platforms because they work just like blogs, except the posts are very limited in length (few paragraphs) in comparison to the freedom of length that a traditional blog post would have.

A vlog is a blog where posts are videos instead of text, and might be hosted on Youtube or TikTok.

On Tumblr, the term "blog" is equivalent to "profile" in other social media (as would be channels on Youtube), as a single user may have several blogs on the platform.

Questions and Answers

Where does the word "blog" come from?

It's short for web log1.


  1. (accessed 2024-09-04) ↩︎


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