Video Editor


What is a Video Editor?

A video editor is a type of application capable of editing videos, including cropping videos, cutting videos (removing the start and end, for example), adding filters, text, watermarks, a logos to videos, adding music to videos, saving videos from one format to another, and so on.

Video editors can open files in various video file formats, which have extensions such as .avi, .mp4, .mov, .mkv, .webm, among many, many others.

There are many different types of video editors, with different capabilities and purposes.

Simple video editors simply cut and crop videos and save them in another format. Normally, this may be necessary, for example, if a video is in a high-quality format with low compression and it needs to be uploaded to some website that only supports certain formats and small files, so it needs to have a higher compression rate. One example of a free simple video editor is Avidemux.

Advanced video editors support timeline-based editing, in which you drag and drop video files into a timeline and you can create transitions from one to another, or add music and sound effects, or overlay images, etc. When people talk about "video edits" they're talking about edits made in such complex video editors. One example of a free advanced video editor is DaVinci Resolve. A libreware one is Kdenlive.


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