How to Make WebP Images Less Blurry

WebP: Comparison of Red Line Blurriness to Sharp YUV enabled and JPEG

The word "text" and a rectangle in red saved in four ways and scaled up to show the differences between compression algorithms. The first method, lossless WebP, produced a 342 byte file. The second method, WebP with 90 quality, 756 bytes, but the red became dark red and the lines became blurry. The third method, WebP, 90 quality, with sharp YUV, 792 bytes, and is less blurry and less dark but not exactly the same as the lossless version. The last method, JPEG, 50 quality, 1105 bytes, produces a sharp result, but with larger file size and noticeable JPG artifacts.


A comparison between an image compressed with WebP in lossless mode, lossy mode with 90 quality, and lossy mode with 90 quality and Sharp YUV option enabled, and with JPEG instead. Observe that JPEG has the sharpest lossy results, but produces larger file sizes and noticeable artifacts. Sharp YUV decreases blurriness, but it's still a bit blurry. The lossless algorithm can produced a smaller image in this case because the image was very small to begin with, the lossy algorithms have better compression rates with larger images.


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