How to Unblock Someone on Bluesky

In this tutorial, we'll learn how to unblock an user that you previously blocked on Bluesky.

To do this, follow the following steps:

1: go to the profile page of the user that you blocked.

If you don't remember who you blocked, there is a way to see a list of the users you blocked on Bluesky.

A profile page in Bluesky that reads "User Blocked" under the user's username and display name. Their avatar is blurred. Instead of posts, the text "post hidden" is displayed. Where the Follow button used to be, an "Unblock" button exists.
How a profile page looks like in Bluesky after an user was blocked.

2: on the blocked user's profile page, click on the "Unblock" button that appears where the "Follow" button normally would appear. A dialog box will appear asking if you want to unblock them or not.

3: click on "Unblock" in the dialog box. The user will be unblocked and you'll be able to see their posts again.


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