How to Create an Account on Reddit

In this tutorial, we'll learn how to create an account on Reddit, the social media website.

To do this, follow the following steps:

1: access Reddit's website through the URL:

2: on the top-right corner of the homepage, click on the Log In button. A log in form will appear in a dialog box.

An orange "log in" button next to a "get app" button and a three dots button.
The Log In button found on Reddit's homepage.
A form titled "Log In." A message: by continuing, you agree to our User Agreement and acknowledge that you understand the Privacy Policy. Three options: Continue with phone number; Continue with Google; Continue with Apples; or... two fields: "email or username" and "password." A link that reads "Forgot password?" A message: New to Reddit? Sign Up. A greyed log in button at the bottom.
The Log In form that appears in a dialog box on Reddit.

3: at the bottom of the form, above the greyed log in button, where it says "New to Reddit? Sign Up" click on the Sign Up link. A sign up form will replace the login form in the dialog box.

At the top of the form, there are links to the User Agreement and Privacy Policy. If you don't agree with them, desist.

5: choose an authentication method. You have the option to sign up with your phone number, Google account, Apple account, or e-mail address. We're going to use e-mail, as it's simpler and available to everyone. Type your e-mail in the Email box and press the Continue button.

A form titled "Sign Up." A message: By continuing, you agree to our User Agreement and acknowledge that you understand the Privacy Policy. A checkbox: I agree to get emails about cool stuff on Reddit. Three options: Continue with phone number, Continue with Google, Continue with Apple, Or... email: Already a redditor? Log in. At the bottom, a continue button.
Reddit's Sign Up form.

6: in the next step, you'll have to choose your username and password.

The username can only contain letters, numbers, underscores (_), and dashes (-).

As always, it's a good idea to have your password manager automatically generate a strong password for you instead of typing a password yourself.

A form titled "Create your username and password." The message "Reddit is anonymous, so your username is what you'll go by here. Choose wisely--because once yo uget a name, you can't change it." Username: VirtualCuriosities. Password: eight circles.
The "Create your username and password" form in Reddit.

7: click the Continue button.

8: Reddit will ask you for some personal information to serve more relevant ads to you. You can choose to disclose it or to skip.

9: Reddit will ask you to pick your interests. You must pick at least one before continuing.

Observation: although this step looks similar to how other social media websites operate, the "interests" you pick are actually names of subreddits, and they really don't make much sense at all. For example, Reddit has a subreddit called /r/unexpected in which short videos that take unexpected turns are posted. While signing up, you may find the option to say you are "interested" in "Unexpected," which makes no sense at all. It's worth noting that the reason other social media have this step is to turn their recommendation algorithm. Reddit doesn't really have something similar, so this step just feels awkward.

Observation: I got topics to pick in Brazilian Portuguese (my region's language) even though I had set my web browser language to English and the rest of Reddit's interface was in English.

10: after doing this, you'll have created your account on Reddit, and you'll be logged in automatically.

You can start posting now, or at least trying to post. Many subreddits have restrictions that prevent new users from actually posting as a bot-prevention measure. These restrictions generally have to do with how much "karma" you have on your account. Karma are useless points that roughly measure how many upvotes you have gotten on Reddit subtracted by how many downvotes you got on Reddit. In order to talk on restricted subreddits, you need to post for a while on open subreddits to accumulate enough karma to pass the anti-bot measure.

Upon creating your account, Reddit will send you an e-mail with a link to verify your e-mail address. It's a good idea to verify it, since the e-mail is a method to recover your account if you ever lose access to it.

An e-mail from Reddit to VirtualCuriosities with the message: Hi there, Your email address was added to your Reddit account VirtualCuriosities. To verify your email address and secure your account, click the button below. A button labelled "Verify My Email." The message continues: This link is only valid for 3 days and it can only be used once. Expired link? No worries, to receive a new verification email, visit your Account Settings, select "Update email address", then hit "Resend Verification Email" If you didn't make this request, feel free to ignore this email. If you need additional login help with your Reddit account, check out our Account Security FAQs or contact us. If VirtualCuriosities isn't your Reddit account, let us know.
The "Verify My Email" e-mail that Reddit sends.


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