On Tumblr, users do not have profile pages, but blogs, and they can create as many blogs as they wish. This means that you don't change the avatar of your account (hence why the setting isn't in your account settings). Instead, you change the avatar of one of your blogs.
To change the avatar of your blog on Tumblr, follow the following steps:
1: on the sidebar menu, click on "Account" to reveal your blogs.
In my case, I have a blog called virtualcuriosities
, so I see its name when I click "Account."
2: click on your blog, e.g. in my case I would click on virtualcuriosities
. Your dash should change to display only the selected blog's latest posts on its feed. You should also see a new sidebar menu on the right side with options related to the selected blog.
3: click on Blog settings. You should see a settings page.
Observation: "Blog settings" isn't spelled in Title Case for some reason.
Alternative: If you can't find this link, its URL is https://www.tumblr.com/settings/blog/your-blog-URL-here
, e.g. /settings/blog/virtualcuriosities
Observation: you can't click on your avatar to change it.
4: click on the button labelled "Edit appearance" on the top-right corner. This will allow you to edit the avatar, your blog's display name, the blog's description (i.e. to edit your bio), change the background image, and pick an accent and background color.
5: click on the pencil icon on your avatar. This will make a dropdown menu appear.
6: click on "Choose a photo" to upload an image file from your computer. After the image is successfully uploaded, your avatar will change automatically.
Optional: You can also change the shape of the avatar from circle to square (with slightly rounded corners) by clicking on the square icon in the dropdown menu.
7: click on the "Save" button on the top-right corner of the "Edit Appearance" panel. Your avatar will have changed.
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