Xfce4: How to Disable Alt+Scroll Zooming in Screen


By default, Xfce4 will zoom in and out the entire screen if you use the scroll wheel while holding the alt key, which, while great for accessibility, is probably not what you want as it might conflict with what alt + scroll does in other applications.

To disable the default behavior, first open the Xfce's Settings Editor through Applications Menu -> Settings -> Settings Editor, or by just typing it in the Whisker menu. In the Settings Editor window you'll see a List-and-Details interface: on the left side you'll see a list of channels, click on the xfmw4 channel to see the window manager's settings on the right side. The relevant setting is zoom_desktop: you should uncheck it to disable zooming.

Xfce4's Setting Editor window, showing zoom_desktop already unchecked.

Once unchecked, the setting takes effect immediately.


Thanks to plue, on https://askubuntu.com/a/671147 (accessed 2024-03-01).


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