

What is Reddit?

Reddit ( is a website where you can talk to other people on the Internet about various topics by joining or creating an online community forum (called a subreddit, or just a sub) centered on discussing a given topic, such as cooking, woodworking, programming, movies, gaming, photography, memes, and even about specific games, movies, series, celebrities, or technologies, and even more specifically about memes of a specific game (e.g. /r/HollowKnightMemes). You can ask questions, share your work or links to interesting stuff, like news articles or Youtube videos, and even post images and videos directly. Reddit's main feature compared to other social media is its long form text: you can post threads with lots of text, and replies can have lots of texts as well, and replies to those replies, too. Thanks to that, it has much more information in the comments compared to other social media.

A screenshot of one of Reddit's subreddits, /r/movies.
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