
What is a "PNG" Image?

PNG is a common image file format with lossless compression that supports transparency. Its file extension is .png.

PNG files are generally used with small transparent graphics, such as icons, due to them being rather large. PNG is always a better choice than the uncompressed BMP. PNG is an old format created to replace GIF. Nowadays, we have a more modern format called WebP, which offers better lossless compression than PNG when configured correctly.

How is PNG Pronounced?

Officially, PNG is pronounced "ping."

PNG (pronounced "ping") is the Portable Network Graphics format, a format for storing bitmapped (raster) images on computers. Unofficially its acronym stands for "PNG's Not GIF." PNG was designed to be the successor to the once-popular GIF format[.] (accessed 2024-06-06)

However, nobody pronounces it that way. Everyone just spells out the letters P.N.G.


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