

What is Vivaldi?

Vivaldi [] is a web browser that is free, Chromium-based, and extremely customizable, available for Windows, Mac, Linux, Android, and iOS.


Vivaldi makes use of the Chromium project, so it should be compatible with most websites on the Internet.

Vivaldi is not made available under one unified open source license. It does contain the Chromium source code with changes made to allow the HTML/CSS/JS based UI to run. All changes to the Chromium source code are made available under a BSD license and can be read by anyone on Details in this regard are explained in the the README and LICENSE files within the package. (accessed 2024-09-03)


In January of 2015, CEO and founder of the company and web browser Opera, Jon von Tetzchner, decided to leave the role to launch another web browser, called Vivaldi. Citing conflicts with Opera investors after the company became public in 2004, Vivaldi would have as objective replace the Opera, providing its users with functions that Opera should have offered.1

Fun fact: Antonio Lucio Vivaldi is a famous XVII century Italian composer who composed over 50 operas.2


  1. In Portuguese: (accessed 2024-08-29) ↩︎
  2. (accessed 2024-08-29) ↩︎


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