How to Embed a Youtube Short


There are many applications that let you embed a Youtube video from its URL, or from the HTML <iframe> snippet you can obtain from the video's page. Recently, Youtube has launched Youtube Shorts, which are videos that are short and vertical, and for some reason they have different URLs and different pages, and the old ways to embed a Youtube video don't seem to work with Youtube Shorts. However, there is a way to embed a video even if it's a Youtube short.

For the record, when you upload a video to Youtube, you don't actually decide whether it's a short or not. Youtube decides it on their own, and there is no way to change it manually. So this isn't something that uploaders are deliberately doing to avoid getting embedded.

Anyway, the first thing you need to do is click on the Youtube short that you want to embed. Look at your web browser's address bar and you'll see it has a URL like this:

The part after the /shorts/ is the video ID. We can use this video ID to make Youtube show us the same video but with a different page layout.

All you need to do is replace /shorts/ with /watch?v= in your address bar. For the URL above, we end up with a URL like this:.

Then press Enter to make your browser go to this new URL.

You should see the Youtube short but in the normal Youtube video web page. This means if you click on the "Share" button in the usual place, there will be an option to get the HTML snippet to embed the video (which is currently missing from the "Share" button in the Shorts layout for some reason).

A Youtube Short displayed in the normal Youtube layout with the embed button in the share dialog.
A screenshot of a "Youtube Short" displayed in the normal layout.

Considering everything, it's clear that Youtube shorts don't actually have any special properties compared to normal videos. They're just normal videos that Youtube's algorithms categorized as Short-like and so they go to a different layout when clicked on.


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