

What is a Webpage?

A webpage is a single page of a website that can be displayed by a web browser through the webpage's own unique URL. More technically, webpages are plain text files containing HTML code. Whenever your browsers accesses a webpage's URL, it downloads from a web server that serves the websites' pages a HTML file containing the code the browser needs to render the webpage. What this HTML code contains exactly varies. Traditionally, it contains text, links to other webpages, and the URLs of images to display on the webpage, however, lately many websites are full of "dynamic" content, so instead there will be link to javascript files that are downloaded to run a program inside your browser to make everything dynamic.

Because of javascript, sometimes a single webpage may contain what appears to be multiple pages within. For example, if there's a widget with tabs, you could say each tab displays a different page, but the URL won't change if you click a tab.

On the other hand, sometimes you have separate webpages for what should be considered a single document. For example, you could have an article in one URL, and the users' comments on that article in another URL.


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