Total Number of Possible Unique Values per Bit Length List Reference For reference, a list with the total number of unique values we have in a sequence of N bits.
How Many Unique Values We Can Store in N Bits? Explanation We can calculate it with the formula X = 2^N.
Creative Commons Project that helps people license their copyrighted work so that others can use it for free.
Plain Text A piece of data in the computer, such as a file, that encodes a text as a simple sequence of characters.
DRM-Free Refers to digital products sold that can be copied and pasted without trouble, because they're sold without a DRM technology attached on it.
Memory What is "Memory" in a Computer? The term "memory" has multiple meanings when we talk about computers, some of them refer to hardware while other refer to software, for example: Notable Features In general, memory has a fixed size and is addressable by byte offsets. If you have a piece of memory that is 8 […]
Text Code A code that encodes data in text format, as opposed to binary format or numeric format, e.g. URLs, domain names, filepaths, markdown, hex codes.
How Computers Parse Text Codes An introduction to computer text, and how computers parse all kinds of text codes, from hashtags, to URLs, to username mentions, to Twitch emoji, to filepaths, to URLs, to color hex codes.
Everything in a Computer is Data: Bits and Bytes Everything in the computer is data (bits and bytes), but what does this mean? This is a very important and fundamental notion in modern computers, so in this article we'll learn a little about it. What is Data? Data is anything we can measure and record. If we measure the temperature every day and write […]