Dialog Window


What is a "Dialog Window" in the Computer?

A dialog window is a type of window that shows a message or options to be configured. This type of window typically has an OK button and a cancel button, however there are cases where there's only an OK button, or an "OK" button labelled with another word, such as "Save" or "Open."

When the window only shows a message, such as an error message or success message, the only thing that the user can do is close the window, so that's what the "OK" button does. In some cases, the dialog window asks for confirmation, e.g. to overwrite an existing file. In this case, there will be an "OK" button and a "Cancel" button. In other cases, the dialog window has complex configuration that are only saved when you click on the "OK" button (which closes the window) or in an "Apply" button (which doesn't close the window), and are discarded if you click on the "Cancel" button.,

Dialog windows are also called dialog boxes.


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