

What is a Playlist?

A playlist is a list of songs or videos to listen to or watch, specially when creating lists of your favorite songs and videos platforms such as Youtube and Spotify.

Playlists on Music and Video Platforms

On Youtube, mainly, Youtubers can create playlists of their videos that cover a specific theme. For example, a Youtube channel that has videos about Krita and Inkscape could have a playlist with all their videos about Krita and another playlist with all their videos about Inkscape. Or it could be a playlist about all videos in a series. And so on.

On Spotify, playlists can be about favorite songs of a genre, e.g. "best country songs."

In general, it's possible to create as many playlists as you want, or there are limits very large (e.g. 1000 per user).

There are public and private playlists. A public playlist is a playlist accessible by any person, e.g. by its URL. A private playlist is accessible only by who created it. Not all platforms support both types.


The term "playlist" is loaned as-is to Portuguese.


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