
What is HiDPI?

HiDPI refers to screens with high pixel densities, i.e. high PPI (pixels per pinch), which is also called high DPI (dots per inch).

Support for the high pixel density display environment in the PC OS is called HiDPI support.

https://www.eizoglobal.com//library/basics/pixel_density_4k/ (accessed 2024-07-21)

The term "retina display" means the same thing as HiDPI.

HiDPI displays are becoming more and more popular on computers: Apple’s recent MacBook, MacBook Pro, and select iMac models sport them (billed as Retina, more on that in a bit); Microsoft’s Surface, Surface Book, and fancy new Surface Studio rock them; Dell, Lenovo, HP, and others offer them as options on laptops; LG, Dell, and Philips make HIDPI desktop displays; and System76 (my employer) just announced HiDPI on their flagship Oryx Pro and insanely powerful Bonobo WS laptops.

https://blog.elementary.io/what-is-hidpi/ (accessed 2024-07-21)


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