How to Remove Pinterest from Google Search Results

When searching on Google for images, it's common for image-sharing websites like Pinterest to clutter the search results page. Pinterest, in particular, is a social media that incentives sharing (pinning) images that you did not create, which means that while Pinterest is a great website for its own users, it's a terrible website for people searching for images, because almost none of the images will contain information such as who created the image, who is the photographer, the artist, and so on. Fortunately, it's possible to remove Pinterest from the search results, so if you don't want it in the results anymore, you won't get it.

To remove Pinterest from Google search results, all you need to do is type -site:pinterest after your query. For example, if you're searching for waterfall photos:

waterfall photos -site:pinterest

You can use this same technique to filter other unwanted websites.

How it Works

This is a combination of two search operators from Google: the site: operator and the minus operator.


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