Plus Icon


What is a Plus Icon?

A plus icon is an icon that looks like the plus sign (+) that typically symbolizes "adding" items, which in turn means "creating" new items.

It's found in buttons that "add" items to a list, to that create "new" items. On Linux, it's found in GTK's numeric text boxes instead of spin buttons, used to increment a value; and in some theme's as the maximize button.


The location of Krita's "Add New Layer" popup menu in the "Layers" docker.
The location of Krita's "Add New Layer" popup menu.
A dialog box in front a window that reads: Welcome to Bottles, Run Windows Software on Linux.
A screenshot of Bottles' welcome window. On its headerbar, we see two "plus" icons: the top-left creates a new bottle, the one on the right is the maximize button.


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