How to See Who You Blocked on Bluesky

In this tutorial, we'll learn how to see a list of what users you've blocked on Bluesky.

To do this, follow the following steps:

1: in the side menu, click on Settings. This will show you a page with various settings for you to configure.

A menu with the options: home, search, notifications, chat, feeds, lists, profile, settings (in bold), and a blue button "New Post."
Bluesky's side menu, with Settings active.

2: in the "Settings" page, in the "Basics" section, click on Moderation. This will show a page with your moderation options. You can also access it through the URL:

A page with the title "Settings," section "Basics," with the options: Accessibility, Appearance, Languages, Moderation, Following Feed Preferences, Thread Preferences, My Saved Feeds, and Chat Settings.
The "Basics" section of Bluesky's "Settings" page.
A page with the title "Moderation," section "Moderation tools," options: Muted words & tags, Moderation lists, Muted accounts, and Blocked accounts.
The Moderation Tools section of the Moderation page in Bluesky.

3: in the "Moderation" page, click on "Blocked accounts." This will show you a page with all accounts that you have blocked.

A page with the title "Blocked Accounts," a paragraph: "Blocked accounts cannot reply in your threads, mention you, or otherwise interact with you. YOu will not see their content and they will be prevented from seeing yours." One account is blocked, with its avatar blurred, "Virtual Curiosities,", PC Tutorials & Information.
The Blocked Accounts list page on Bluesky.

Optional: if ou click on an account, you'll go to the profile page of the blocked account. On a blocked account's profile, you'll be able to unblock the acconut.

A profile page in Bluesky that reads "User Blocked" under the user's username and display name. Their avatar is blurred. Instead of posts, the text "post hidden" is displayed. Where the Follow button used to be, an "Unblock" button exists.
How a profile page looks like in Bluesky after an user was blocked.


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