I believe information is a virus. It infects you, through your eyes and ears—it enters your brain. Once you become its host, you can't get rid of it. It stays with you forever. You can't unsee. You can only become its spreader.
Information can empower, but it can also weaken. It can bring happiness, but it can also bring sadness. It can be a cure, but it can also be a poison. Knowledge may be a blessing, but ignorance is also a bliss.
I'm a very negative person, and I don't like that. I'm venomous. Without restraint, I'll infect anyone who interacts with me with my negativity. That's why I decided to practice self-censorship.
Words can evoke thoughts. The mere act of seeing a word makes you think things. Thinking is the problem. If you think about it, the connections in your brain strengthen, making it harder to forget about it. The more you interact with a certain kind of information, the stronger its strain of the virus becomes. It will make a corner of your brain its home and haunt you forever.
I don't want to inform people of things that I wish I wasn't informed about myself.
I don't want you to see this. I don't want you to know about it. I don't want you to think about it. I don't want anybody to become its host.
So when I want to say something I don't want to say, I just say [redacted]. Were I stronger, perhaps I wouldn't need this contradiction. But I'm too honest to see something and pretend I haven't, not writing it down, specially if I'm writing an article criticizing its very existence.
I have a website so I can link to this article, but you can try it yourself too using these methods!:
- Brackets style: "I can't believe there is [redacted] in that page!"
- Asterisk style: "I can't believe there is ********** in that page!"
- SCP style: "I can't believe there is ███████ in that page!"
I recommend using a random amount of censoring characters so it's not possible to guess what you're talking about. It's also not a good idea to censor partially, e.g. Yo*tube, you should the word vanish completely, leaving no trace of what kind of information it symbolizes, ***********.
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