

What is a Dislike on Social Media?

A dislike is an action available on Youtube, similar to a "downvote" on Reddit, in which an user clicks a thumbs down button on a Youtube video or comment to express their dislike for it. The total number of dislikes used to be displayed next to this button, but it was removed in 2021.

Do Dislikes Matter?

I'm not sure. I can't find anything official about it, so I can only speculate.

Disliking a video or comment may affect how the algorithm treats it, i.e. content disliked by many may appear less often, or content disliked of a channel or category disliked by a user may be recommended less often to them. I'm not certain which of these happens in reality, or if dislikes matter at all, but it's possible they do affect the algorithm somehow.


The dislike count will be private across YouTube, but the dislike button will remain.

An update to dislikes on YouTube, "Nov 10, 2021" [https://blog.youtube/news-and-events/update-to-youtube/] (accessed 2024-10-07)


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