

What is a Computer Tower?

The tower is that black or white box that has the button to turn on the computer. That is, the tower is the PC case (the "box"), plus all of the internal computer components. More specifically, "tower" refers to the vertical form of the PC case. It's common to call the tower the "CPU" of the computer, even though the CPU is actually an internal component inside the tower.

In shops that sell computers, you may find computer towers on sale and desktops on sale. In which case "desktop" may refer to a whole computer with all its essential parts: the keyboard, the mouse, the monitor, the speakers, and the tower. The towers by themselves would be sold to customers who already own some of these parts, or want to pick them separately.

A computer tower opened, exposing the internal componentes of the computer, connected to a monitor on the floor.
A computer tower opened connected to a monitor. Photo: Blake Patterson via Flickr. License: CC BY 2.0.


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