

What is Facebook?

Facebook (www.facebook.com) is a social media website where you can connect to people you already know in real life, or meet new people you want to meet, network, or get informed about local businesses.

Main Features

Unlike many other websites on the web, Facebook has a strict anti-anonymous policy: all users are required to register with their real names. This means that much of the nastiness that exists in other online platforms thanks to anonymity doesn't exist on Facebook, as users put their real-life reputations on the line every time they comment on a post, click on a like button, befriend people, or join a group. This also means a lot of privacy issues and other kinds of nastiness, and it's not a perfect system, as many users do have fake profiles even though that goes against their terms of service.

Facebook is the largest social media website in the world, and so it has many, many features.

You can chat in real time with anyone in your friends' list. You can follow people without befriending them. You can block people.

You can post text, images, and videos on your profile. Other users can comment on your posts or react by clicking a like button or other kind of emotion button on your post.

You can join groups, communities, centered about a certain topic.

You can create a page for your own business or brand, listing your services, posting promotions, and even selling products. Many websites have a Facebook page where they share their latest posts or articles for users who wouldn't bother to check the website from time to time to view new posts, or use RSS client. You could even say many small businesses decide to not make their own websites because their Facebook page seems to be enough online presence.


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