How to Change the Color of Part of an Image in Krita

Infographic: Color Adjustment Method Comparison in Krita

Infographic: color adjustment method comparison in Krita. A base photo of an blue iris with 5 different color adjustment methods applied to change the color of the eye. HSV/HSL (lightness), HSL (luma), and HSI (intensity) with -83° hue. Each made the eye green but left a pink color near the pupil. They also produced slightly different shades of green. Blue-Red Chroma, Luma: -17/-11/0, produced a more "natural looking" green iris without a purple outline. Colorize: 115º hue produced an unnatural, bright green. Photo: Anna Hirsch. Infographic by


A comparison of color adjustment methods in Krita, using turning a green eye blue as example. Observe that in methods that shift the hue of pixels, the blue eye with a brown center becomes green with a pink center. It may be hard to tell from this example, but HSV and HSL had the same result, HS/Luma was slightly lighter, and HS/Intensity was even lighter. The red-blue chroma adjustment method produces the most natural-looking results. Colorize produces a strong but unnatural green. Photo by Anna Hirsch on Flickr.


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